Rich Web

Highly recommend Tatiana for her functional and kettlebell trainings. She has a eye for form and can fine tune your technique. She is incredibly knowledgeable about the body. I never got such good quality for money.


Anna B

I joined this group just couple months ago. I wasn't expecting quick results, so was surprised that I lost some kilos and some cms, and also gaining strenght, flexibility and energy. Previously I had joints problems but thanks to very qualified coach and her personal attention and advice all these issues are in the past. I highly recommend Tanya and her wonderful experience in making us healthier and stronger.



As a tradesman I was suffering a bit with my joints and lower back from my work. I was surprised at how quickly Kettle Bells seemed to improve my posture and eliminate those nagging pains!


Anna Gordeeva

Tatiana is an excellent kettlebell instructor because she has an innate understanding of how to motivate each one of her students. It's easy to see Tatiana has a natural gift for teaching and that she loves what she's doing. She knows how to motivate each student in the class and makes sure each student knows how to perform the particular exercise she's teaching. She has an amazing knowledge about kettlebells and other forms of exercise and she has an excellent understanding of physiology, nutrition, and how to get the most out of your workout program. And she has a wonderful sense of humor which makes all the hard work she puts you through a lot easier! Thank you , Tatiana ❤️