31 Oct


Why do we do squats then something else  then goblet squats and different squats again? Is it a little secret behind why we are not making just front four sets of squats in a row ?  Why are we doing so many variations?

Firstly,  we need to give our muscles rest while we are engage diferrent muscles.
Secondly, It is ascience behind muscle fiber engagement. Depending on a type of the movement different neurons are forming different neural networks. Meaning the final set of squats use more muscle fibers than the first set because we helped to create more connections with assisted exercises.
Thirdly, It is booooring to do 4 rounds of the same exercise! We can it differently, we can squat with a kettlebell or we can squat while playing with a medicine ball or jump and squat with a kettlebell behind our back again.
Enjoy your powerful squat x

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